A Women-Owned Business Reflecting on Women’s History Month

As a certified woman-owned business, we check the disadvantaged business box on certain applications and forms. The term disadvantaged has always felt funny to me - I certainly don’t view myself or our company as disadvantaged. That said, it’s moments like Women’s History Month that we lift up and recognize just how recently women gained our rights, unlocked our potential, and forged fresh paths. We’re incredibly grateful for the women who unavoidably experienced that feeling daily in order to create the space that women like us have stepped into and the men who were bold enough to stand beside them.

Our team uses proactive language contentment, capturing control, taking agency, and creating structure and direction on a daily basis. I can’t imagine lacking the freedom to be assertive with our lives and careers as women. It’s completely asinine to people like us, who approach the world with optimism and enthusiasm, to understand that full freedom and the pursuit of happiness weren’t always readily available for women, not to mention so many other communities of blatantly or covertly disadvantaged people.

There’s a stigma about women trying to have it all. I’ve always found that to be a cringeworthy phrase! There are countless articles about Why Women Still Can’t Have It All or The Myth of Having It All. While having it all may never be realistic, the power lies in the choice to pursue a multi-faceted life full of the people, places, and things that matter most to each of us - without having to ask for permission.

We’re proud to be surrounded by many other strong women and organizations such as BrainTrust and Heels & Handshakes. Sherry Deutschmann recently shared a static that only 7% of all businesses make it to $1M. Only 2% of women-owned businesses make it to $1M. There are countless other data points and metrics that prove women are still making up ground, even though we may not always view ourselves as disadvantaged.

I can only imagine what the world would be like today if the playing field had been equal for all from the beginning. We’re thrilled by the increasing emphasis on diversity and equity. The momentum and progress that we’re experiencing will lead to an incredible future with brighter, bolder ideas and a life experience that’s elevated for all. We’re proud to be part of building that future.

This month, we signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) through the United Nations. We’re proud to be a team of women who stand up for women as a whole. We’re grateful for organizations like UN Women who are organizing and leading the charge. Progress drives progress!

Also this month, we closed on our new office! More on the new Memo HQ soon. It’s surreal that women couldn’t purchase property relatively recently. Purchasing an office space has been a goal and to accomplish it during Women’s History Month, in our 10th year in business, during a pandemic, while having our best year to date has been extra special and sweet.

Cheers to momentum, for women and beyond!


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Sustainability in Events & Marketing